It’s an old, but true, saying: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” It applies to many decent people – perhaps including you – who have been tricked into helping terrorists. You would never deliberately help anyone to bomb supermarkets, use children as weapons and human shields, and fly airplanes into buildings. But they at would some effects of your support.

The terrorists and their allies are such talented liars that decent people like you think you’re supporting humanitarian causes, but you’re really helping terrorists to threaten everything you love, including your own freedom and life. For example, many apparent charities support terrorist organizations.

Demanding a longer ceasefire in Israel is the most recent example. Many people support it for the best possible reason: to protect civilians, especially children. The current agreement is for a brief ceasefire in exchange for a few hostages. Many decent people will demand that it be extended. They don’t realize that, the longer it lasts, the more it helps the terrorists to murder everyone who won’t convert to Islam. 

If you support a long ceasefire, please keep your mind open and read how you have been deceived and manipulated. Don’t take my word for anything, Check reliable sources such as Wikipedia, official UN publications, and The Koran. You will be shocked when you learn several critically important facts:

  1. The terrorists reject the two-state solution.
  2. The terrorists violate some of your most cherished values.
  3. The terrorists and their supporters distort the news from Gaza. 
  4. Wars are inevitable.
  5. Most wartime casualties are civilians. 
  6. Israel is defendingitself against aggression.
  7. The attacks on Israel are part of a much larger war.
  8. The spin doctors have twisted words. 
  9. A long ceasefire will help the terrorists to threaten YOU.


All decent people should support the two-state solution. The Jews and Arabs would peacefully live in separate, independent states. No matter what it says, Hamas does not want that solution.

Hamas is a terrorist organization that started the war by firing fired rockets and invading Israel. A little later, Hezbollah, terrorists based in Lebanon, fired rockets and other weapons into Israel and made a few, small border raids. Hezbollah is closely allied with Iran which has also given Hamas more than $100 million. Iran is increasing its influence over Hamas.

Iran has repeatedly, publicly stated that Israel must be destroyed. Hamas and Hezbollah are not as direct, but their ultimate goal is the same.


The terrorists demand that everyone obey Sharia law. It’s derived from The Koran and varies between countries. But every version would take away many freedoms you have and love..

The most extreme example of opposing their own values is a group called Queers for Palestine. They obviously don’t know that in Gaza homosexuality is a crime punishable by up to ten years in prison. In Iran the maximum punishment is death.

All versions of Sharia deny women many rights that Americans and Europeans take for granted. The most important ones are to choose their husband, get a divorce, or legally object when their husband takes additional wives.

 In Gaza women now have much greater freedom than they will retain if Iran takes over. In Iran women are forbidden from dancing or singing solo in public, riding a bicycle, attending sports matches, and becoming judges or presidents. They must sit in the back of the bus and can travel abroad only with their husband’s permission.

Iran’s most despicable action occurred during its war with Iraq. They cleared minefields by marching young boys across them. The children were told they would be holy martyrs and then were blown to bits.


Because we have a free press, you may not know that much of what you see and read about Gaza is lies. Foreign journalists can’t get information that is readily available in free countries. If a Gaza official or citizen says something the authorities dislike, they go to jail or die.

When they are fighting a war, most governments, including democratic ones, try to control the news. For example, one of the British government’s first WWI actions was to cut the underwater telegraph cable from Germany. They then told many lies about “The Huns.” It was a scary name, but utterly false. The Germans are not Huns. 

Today it’s impossible to completely prevent international communication, but the anti-Israeli media report whatever lies or exaggerations aid their cause. For example, there are far more pictures of the destruction and death in Gaza than in Israel. Because the government controls the news, the number of civilian casualties is probably inflated.

The media ignored or minimized the fact that Israel retaliated after Hamas fired thousands of rockets and invaded Israel. Decent people are justifiably outraged by the deaths of Arab civilians, especially children, but they hear little about the deaths of Jewish children. By controlling the news, the terrorists and their supporters have created an extremely false perception: The vicious Jews are attacking the peace-loving citizens of Gaza.


Humans have constantly battled since we lived in caves, and we will never stop killing each other. We have barely evolved in more than 100,000 years, and we will always be driven by our animal instincts. I wish we could change our DNA, but it won’t happen. 

If you can’t accept that fact, you will be manipulated by liars, including ones who hate you, America, and Western values such as freedom of speech and religion, free elections, and freedom for women to make decisions. 


That’s a very nasty fact, but – whether you like it or not – it is certainly true. For example, Wikipedia reported that between 60 and 67 percent of World War II casualties were civilians, and it made similar comparisons to many other wars.

It’s not just evil governments that kill civilians. In WWII we were far more ethical than the Nazis or Japanese, but we dropped thousands of bombs on civilians. In just three days we killed 25,000 to 35,000 civilians in Dresden, Germany. Our two atomic bombs killed about 200,000 Japanese, who were mostly civilians, including, of course, children.


Israel did not attack until after Hamas fired thousands of rockets and invaded. But the ceasefire supporters insist that Israel has no right to finish the war that Hamas is losing. If Hamas was winning, many of the people demanding a long ceasefire would oppose it.

What would America do if Mexico fired thousands of rockets into California and then invaded? If the same things happened to China, Russia, Brazil, or most other countries, wouldn’t they retaliate? If other countries demanded a long ceasefire for “humanitarian reasons,” would they obey?


For example, in NY city crowds chanted, “Death to Israel! Death to America!” 

You have seen pictures of the World Trade Towers collapsing. You can’t deny the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. But you may refuse to draw the obvious conclusion: Some Muslims want to convert or destroy America and all of Western civilization.


When you read the previous sentence, you may have thought it proved I have two feelings that the terrorists and their allies have often misused: 

  1. Islamophobia 
  2. Prejudice. 

Let’s compare how the terrorists use those words to the only legitimate source, the dictionary.


The standard definition of a “phobia” is: “an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.” The critical word is “irrational.” 

Everybody needs rational fears. We can’t survive without them. If we weren’t afraid of predatory animals and many other dangers, the human race would become extinct. 

If anybody wants to kill us, it is extremely irrational to deny that fact. Muslims have been converting and killing innocent people for almost 1,500 years. Some Muslims believe the Koran orders them to kill everyone who does not submit to Islam. Fear of Muslims is 100% rational. 

Many scholars claim The Koran has been misinterpreted. Most Muslims sincerely agree. They want to live in peace. Others pretend to agree for the same reason that politicians lie: to support their agenda.

Even if The Koran has been misinterpreted, the terrorists believe that it supports murdering innocent people. They will quote the same words that others claim are misinterpreted and insist that they are the only people who understand their true meaning. When they kill people, they insist that they are obeying The Koran.


It is a: “preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.” Since The Koran was written about 1,500 years ago, and Muslims have been killing people who disagree with them, including other types of Muslims, for nearly all that time, fear of them is based on solid evidence, not prejudice.


The media and a few governments have accused Israel of genocide, but they are lying. The Genocide Convention of the United Nations says “Genocide is a denial of the right of existence of entire human groups.”

Between 2000 and 2023 the population of Gaza nearly doubled, from 1,100,000 to 2,00,000. That’s the opposite of genocide.

The Israelis have killed a tiny fraction of the Germans and Japanese civilians that the allies killed in World War II. Were we guilty of genocide?

The terrorists and their Iranian patrons have very publicly announced that they intend to kill or exile all Israelis. 

How could any reasonable person believe that Israel is genocidal and the terrorists are not?


If you’re a typical liberal, you were outraged by this essay and refuse to believe it. Denying reality is always foolish, and — in this situation — it can be suicidal. 

Don’t believe me or the media. Read the true sources: The Koran and the policy statements of Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Iranian government. They want to destroy Israel and force their religion on other countries, including, of course, America, “The Great Satan.”

Dominating the world has been their goal for almost 1,500 years. Don’t take my word for it. Study how they invaded one country after another. They started in The Middle East and conquered from Spain to Indonesia. When they conquered any territory, they told people, “Convert or die.”

If your mind isn’t open enough to accept reality, you will always be manipulated, a helpless victim, wishing the world and human nature would change.

Accepting reality is just the first step. Decent people should help the Israelis to fight back against our common enemies, the Muslim terrorists, not the decent Muslims.

Hamas and its supporters don’t want a ceasefire to save civilian lives. They don’t care about civilians. Hamas uses them as human shields to protect rocket launchers and other weapons.

Hamas needs a long ceasefire to recover from their foolish mistakes. The longer it lasts, the stronger they will becoe. When they become strong enough to fight again, they will do it just as ruthlessly as they have done so often.

If you support a long ceasefire, you will become a “useful idiot.” Wikipedia defined that term:

“A useful idiot is a person perceived as propagandizing for a cause – particularly a bad cause originating from a dubious, ruthless source – without fully understanding the cause’s goals, and who is being cynically used by the cause’s leaders.”

Hamas will briefly welcome your support for the long ceasefire it desperately needs. But, after they have recovered enough to fight again, they will forget your help and regard you as just another idolator (infidel). If they ultimately win, they will repeat the demand they have made so often, ”convert or die.”

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