“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Santayana’s famous quotation describes how billions of people have reacted to the Hamas-Israeli war. They never heard of the Holocaust, or they deny it happened.

More than two centuries ago, Edmund Burke went further: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” It’s not enough to accept the truth about the Holocaust. We must make sure it doesn’t happen again.


The spin doctors have ignored or twisted the facts. As you read this essay, ask yourself one question: “Why didn’t I know these facts?” When I was writing it, I asked myself the same question. The answer is obvious: To ideologues, whether they are on the left or the right, facts are irrelevant. They just want to manipulate you.

If you doubt the facts reported here, check the references. They will make it easy for you to see who’s lying. They are in parentheses () because some websites can’t handle footnotes.

The media bosses know that Hamas is a terrorist organization which completely controls the news and pictures from Gaza. They ignore that obvious fact and publish an enormous amount of news, pictures, and opinions about the suffering in Gaza. They pay hardly any attention to the destruction and deaths in Israel.


A Google search for “Holocaust deniers” got over 500,000 hits. “Only 54 percent of the world’s population has heard of the Holocaust…. Two-thirds of the world’s population doesn’t know the Holocaust happened – or they deny it.” (1)


In many countries, it’s never taught. The authorities don’t want their citizens to know the truth. About half of American states don’t require teaching it, and a Texas law about political issues “requires teaching opposing views without giving deference to any one perspective.” (2)

Are there any reasonable opposing views? Should they teach that it didn’t happen? That 5 or 6 million Jews just disappeared? Or that all those Jews deserved to be murdered?


Far too many people reject this war’s central truth. They may even believe that the vicious Israelis are attacking Gaza’s peace-loving citizens.

They ignore obvious facts: 

  1. Hamas is on the US and EU lists of terrorist organizations. 
  2. Hezbollah is on both lists, and it’s so vicious that it is also on the Arab League’s list of terrorist organizations.
  3. Hamas completely controlled the Gaza government.
  4. Hamas fired thousands of rockets into Israel.
  5. Hamas invaded Israel.
  6. Hezbollah fired rockets into Israel from Lebanon and sent terrorists into Israel.
  7. Syria fired rockets into Israel.

What would the US do if Mexico fired thousands of rockets into California and then invaded? If the same things happened to China, Russia, Brazil or most other countries, wouldn’t they retaliate?


We live in very troubled times. People all over the world are worried about COVID, climate change, terrorism, inflation, massive layoffs, bankruptcies, the Russian-Ukrainian War, poverty, recession, unemployment, violence, crime, homelessness, extremist politicians, and many other things. This war has greatly intensified those feelings.


These attacks have occurred countless times in many places. Scapegoating often increased when people’s troubles worsened. When people can’t solve their problems, they blame and attack “them.” 

“If we experience frustration, this leads to aggression. The aggression is a cathartic release of the build-up of frustration… if the individual is prevented from achieving a goal by some external factor, then this will lead to frustration which will always (3) lead to aggression. The aggression cannot always be directed at the source of aggression, which may be abstract such as lack of money, or too powerful, as the risk of punishment is too high… we have ego defence mechanisms to protect ourselves… Displacement – Directing our aggression outwards onto something or someone else.” (4)

The scapegoats and excuses vary, but the psychology remains the same: “It’s their fault, and they must pay for my misery.”


The Holocaust was the worst example, but “the scapegoating of Jews has been a widespread phenomenon for over two thousand years.” (5) I will mention only two well-documented examples: “300,000 Jews — up to a quarter of the Spanish population — had to convert to Catholicism, or flee Spain, or were killed in the Spanish Inquisition.” (6)  Russian pogroms began about two centuries ago and killed more than 100,000 Jews. (7)

Many other countries, including the US, had much less deadly attacks on Jewish scapegoats. They were rarely killed, but they were punished in many other ways. Our ancestors were much worse toward Native Americans and Blacks. They enslaved or killed them, especially during bad times.


The anti-semites have claimed that Israel is an apartheid state. They misuse an inflammatory word to support their claim that Israel is so evil that it must be destroyed. The South African government used apartheid to increase its racist white minority’s control over its black majority. Israel does exactly the opposite.

Although they are only 1/5 of the population, Arab citizens have the same rights as Jewish citizens. “There have been Israeli Arab members of the Knesset ever since the first Knesset elections in 1949. The following is a list of the 100 past and present members.” (9) An Arab, Khaled Kabub, is on the Israeli Supreme Court, and another Arab, Abdel Rahman Zuabi, had a temporary appointment to it. (10)

There are no Jews on the Supreme Courts or in the legislatures of Gaza or Lebanon.


It was the Nazi’s “official code name for the murder of all Jews within reach … systematic genocide … culminated in the Holocaust, which saw the murder of 90% of Polish Jews, and two-thirds of the Jewish population of Europe. (11) 


It’s German for “free of Jews.” The Nazis used that term “to designate an area that has been ‘cleansed’ of Jews during The Holocaust.” (12)

Hamas and Hezbollah intend to kill or expel all the Jews from Israel. They have already done it in the areas they control.  When the Nazis were finally defeated in 1945, 3,000 to 5,000 Jews lived in Lebanon, and about 3,000 lived in Gaza. (13) Today hardly any Jews live in either place.

If Hamas, Hezbollah, and Syria win, Israel will disappear and the Nazi’s goal will be achieved. The land that is now Israel will become judenfrei

Do you care enough to do anything?

Alan Schoonmaker, Ph.D.

For more essays, visit my website, Ask-Dr-Al.com


1 “The World Is Full Of Holocaust Deniers,” The Atlantic, 5/14/2014

2 https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/oct/19/texas-holocaust-curriculum-schools-hb-3979#:~:text=Signed%20into%20law%20on%201,historical%2C%20social%20or%20political%20issues.

3 Emphasis added

4 https://www.tutor2u.net/psychology/reference/frustration-aggression-hypothesis#:~:text=(1939)%20proposed%20that%20if%20we,will%20always%20lead%20to%20aggression

5  https://www.jpost.com/opinion/anti-semitism-2000-years-of-scapegoating-the-jews-403959

6 https://www.google.com/search?q=how+many+jews+were+killed+by+the+spanish+inquisition&rlz=1C1MMCH_enUS1001US1001&oq=how+many+jews+were+killed+by+the+spanish+inquisition&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCTMyMjQ1ajBqNKgCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

7 https://www.timesofisrael.com/20-years-before-the-holocaust-pogroms-killed-100000-jews-then-were-forgotten/

8 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_citizens_of_Israel#Population

9 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Arab_members_of_the_Knesset

10 https://www.timesofisrael.com/khaled-kabub-sworn-in-as-supreme-courts-first-muslim-justice/

11 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Solution

12 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judenfrei#cite_note-1

13 These numbers are just authoritative estimates because there were no reliable censuses.

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